
Vauhtijuoksu in English

Vauhtijuoksu ry is a Finnish nonprofit association that focuses on organizing speedrun related events and activities. The purpose of the association is to promote, support and spread the speedrunning culture in Finland. Vauhtijuoksu ry was founded at the end of the year 2020 to expand the speedrun marathon event started by computer science and engineering students (Oulun Tietoteekkarit ry) in 2019.

The main event Vauhtijuoksu (direct translation of words "speed" and "run") is a speedrun marathon that happens in early May. The plan is to also organize another "Vauhtis", Vauhtijuoksu+ at the end of the year. Vauhtijuoksu events usually span over five days and the gaming goes on around the clock. The event is streamed to Twitch.tv/vauhtijuoksu. Next to the actual gaming, a big part of Vauhtijuoksu is raising funds for charities. Every year since the first event Vauhtijuoksu has raised about 10 000 euros each year for varying charity organizations. You can check the VODs from previous events at Youtube.

To keep up with Vauhtijuoksu events, you should join our Discord server. As most conversations there are in Finnish, we sincerely hope that you can actively ask questions yourself if you have any. Please write something to the #non-finnish-channel so we know that there is interest for English communications as otherwise it might be forgotten. Also feel free to join conversations in English at any channel if something interesting is going on! As our content is mostly aimed for Finnish viewers the language used in our events and information is usually Finnish, but we also welcome English speaking runners and viewers to join. Our only demand for players is that you can fill the Finnish sign-up form (use translation services or ask a friend) and try to translate our announcements and information yourself as we currently can't guarantee that everything is up to date in both languages. But always feel free to ask if something is not clear. We are happy to help!

If you want to join the association, you can do so at liity.vauhtijuoksu.fi (again, it's in Finnish, sorry..). By joining, you support Vauhtijuoksu ry and help us make better events. We also lend our streaming gear and tech for our members and have some smaller events dedicated for members only. The main events are always free for everyone but members get priority if we need to cut some runs off from the schedule. However membership is not required to be a part of the Vauhtijuoksu community.

Links for more stuff:



